The BGA Business School Impact Award is a newly created award which is open to BGA member, validated, and accredited Schools which can demonstrate their impact on all stakeholders, alongside BGA’s vision and Charter.
This exciting new award is an excellent way to celebrate and reflect on the positive impact that your Business School is exerting on students and graduates, your communities and the economy as a whole.
By validating how positive impact, continuous improvement and responsible management have enhanced the stakeholder experience, Business Schools will have the opportunity to showcase how they are contributing to the betterment of society using both quantitative and qualitative analysis of activities, initiatives and/or programmes.
This award promotes the values of positive impact, innovation, responsible management and lifelong learning across areas such as programme design, social outreach programmes, alumni relations, careers services and other areas where the Business School is demonstrating an impact.
The finalists are:
School of Business, Universidad de San Andrés (Argentina)