Here is a front cover of a navy blue, teal and orange book with waves and circle designs. The book is called 'Under currents; channeling outrace to spark practical activism' by Steve Davis.


Steve Davis


Global undercurrents with outsized importance are shaping our world. Leaders who aim to increase their impact on their organisations and communities must boost their knowledge of the ways such trends shape activism.

Through the lens of an experienced global social innovation leader and scholar, Undercurrents aims to teach readers how they can harness outrage and capitalise on global trends to instigate and encourage change across the world.

Steve Davis is a Lecturer at Stanford Graduate School of Business and the former CEO of PATH, a global health innovation non-profit. He has also previously held the role of Director of Social Innovation at McKinsey & Co.

BGA members are able to receive a 20% discount off the RRP for Undercurrents (print edition ISBN: 9781119669234) when purchased direct from Just enter the promo code BUS21 (or BUC21 for members in Canada) when prompted.

Communities are the customers – read an excerpt from Undercurrents on Ambition – the magazine of the Association of MBAs.

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